Tread Water Test

The tread water test requires candidates to tread water, unassisted, for fifteen (15) consecutive minutes. 

  • “I would like to thank-you for all your help, and your staff as well. They were very pleasant and helpful in assisting me throughout the day. It made my day much less stressful.”
    –Kris S., Fire Fighter Candidate

The tread water test requires candidates to tread water, unassisted, for fifteen (15) consecutive minutes. Candidates must remain vertical and keep their head completely above water.

Failure will result if the candidate:

  • can not tread water for 15 consecutive minutes
  • touches the pool wall, ropes, or anyone around them
  • floats on their back
  • submerges underwater
  • starts swimming

Attire: Bathing suit and towel.


Testing Partners

Firefighter Services of Ontario is pleased to partner with the following municipalities, cities and townships throughout Ontario.

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