60-Second Sit-Up Test

Candidates will lie in a supine position and rest their head on a mat. In order for the sit-up to be counted, candidate’s must maintain the proper position. For this test, the correct sit-up position is as follows:

  • arms folded across the chest
  • knees bent at a 90° angle
  • elbows must touch the knees when coming up from the mat
  • when returning to the mat, shoulder blades must touch the mat

The candidate will move up and down in a continuous manner while bending at their hips. Candidates will perform sit-ups at a maximal rate. This test will last 1 minute in duration. The 60-second sit-up test is rated on a 5 point scale relative to the candidate’s gender and age.

Violations on this test include

  • Failure to touch the knees with elbows
  • Failure to return to the starting position (shoulder blades on the mat)

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